Hexamail Flow User Guide - Setup Wizard - IMAP Email

IMAP Email

This page allows you to configure an email account type

IMAP Email
Email Address
The email address for this account
Example interface
The password for this account
Example interface
Displayed Name
The name displayed when sending from this account
Example interface
John Smith
If you select automatic Hexamail will attempt to look up the account settings using autodiscovery services and its database of common account details. Choose manual setup if your server does not support autodiscovery, you have not configured the required DNS entries for auto discovery or you use a bespoke mail server solution on your network
Example interface
This allows you to manually specify the settings for the email account
Example interface
Each account can be downloaded from a separate server. Be sure to fill in the correct server details for each account. POP3 is usually collected from port 110, IMAP from port 143. Remember to use the server name not IP if collecting using SSL as the SSL encryption certificate must match the server name.
Example interface
pop3.yahoo.co.uk, port 110
Check with your email account service provider what to use as the username. Sometimes it is the entire email address.
Example interface
The authentication type for this account
Example interface